Pay Dues

Annual Dues Options

Please Support Your Forest Parks Residential Association

The Forest Parks Residential Association is a non-profit organization that is supported by its homeowner members. Your annual support of $180 enables us to provide the lighting, water, landscaping, and maintenance of our entrances and common areas, as well as provide two community events each year.  The donation also allows you to be a voting member of the Park Forest Neighborhood Association.

During February of each year, every household receives an annual dues notice. The dues are voluntary, but benefit us all by keeping our property values up. It’s an investment that’s worthwhile. We look forward to your participation!

Pay online. Pay by check. Your choice.
You can pay dues easily and quickly online. We ask residents to pay dues between January 1 and February 28 of each year. Make full payment below.

Specialized Amount: To pay multiple years, use the dropdown menu above. For a different amount, please visit

Pay by Check: If you’d rather write a check, please make it out to the association and send dues to:

Forest Parks Neighborhood
60 Chelsea Corners, Box 133
Chelsea, AL 35043.

If you have any questions, please contact one of our officers listed on the back. We’ll be glad to help answer any questions you may have.

More Info About the Forest Parks Neighborhood Association
The current Association was incorporated in 2009 to promote our neighborhood through communication, events, and maintaining our entrances. The Neighborhood Association rarely deals with covenant enforcement other than publishing the information on the website, providing copies to new neighbors, and an occasional letter when violations are reported. The Articles of Incorporation and By-laws are on our web site: We have 123 households in our neighborhood.

We seek to:

1. Provide landscaping and lighting to our two neighborhood entrances.

2. Hold two neighborhood events each year for kids.

3. Coordinate events throughout the year.

4. Maintain active officers to implement the goals of the association.

5. Welcome new residents.

6. Communicate about neighborhood news, safety, security info and even lost pets.